MRI Campaign

Hospital Website

Because the Details Matter

The MRI at the Smiths Falls site of the Perth and Smiths District Hospital is now operational. However, it has not been fully funded as the Ontario Government does NOT pay for equipment.

The Perth & Smiths Falls District Hospital Foundation is in its second year of a three-year $6.1 million dollar campaign to fund this vital piece of diagnostic equipment. To date our generous community has shown their support with an amazing $3.1 million raised so far!

What is an MRI?

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a specialized imaging test that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed 3D images of organs and structures inside your body. Healthcare providers use MRI to evaluate, diagnose and monitor several different medical conditions not visualized well with other imaging tests.

Keeping Care Close to Home

Increased Access to Vital Diagnostic Services

Having the MRI at Perth and Smiths Falls District Hospital has increased access to vital diagnostic services to support care close to home for thousands of patients.

Patients who previously would have been required to make the long drive to Ottawa or Kingston are now able to access this potentially life saving imaging right here in their community saving patients and families travel time and associated travel costs.

Will you help us magnify patient care?

You may have just made a generous gift, or this may be a period of financial hardship for you and your family right now. Support for PSFDH is more than just giving a gift, it’s showing how much you value and appreciate their actions for our community. Please give when you can, share our information with a friend, like and share our social media pages, and join our mailing list for the latest news!

Keep up to date

Our Latest MRI News

Total Contributions

  • 52% 52%

Having quality care available close to home helps eliminate the need to drive to the city, saving patients and families travel time and associated travel costs.